Book: Influence Without Authority LO13834

Andrew Wong Hee Sing (
Wed, 4 Jun 1997 13:20:14 -0800

Replying to LO13826 --

Thanks to Richard C. Holloway's <> and Ryder Jones's
<> replies to my post on the above subject.

"Richard C. Holloway" wrote :

Personally, I'm most profoundly influenced by Greenleaf's
"Servant-Leadership," especially The Ethic of Strength. I'm convinced
listening is the most pragmatic of leadership skills, and very influential
on others.

Ryder Jones wrote:
"Geoffrey Bellman, a consultant based in Seattle, WA.
His book 'Getting Things Done When You Are Not In Charge' by
Berrett-Koehler Publishers (San Francisco) is an excellent and down
to earth reference."

It appears to me that various skills, technique used in influencing
without authority are in the domain of quality attributes of the persons
concerned (i.e. those whose intention is to influence to get things done
or achieve some purposes). In this respect, everyone does possess some
good attributes that can influence other people, directly or indirectly,
consciously on unconsciously. However, the main difference is for those
who have very clear and focused minds (i.e. influencers) to achieve
something through other people, go about with full concentration and

What are your comments?


Andrew Wong
Organisation Observer and Thinker

-- (Andrew Wong Hee Sing)

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