I developed a way about 12 years ago to identify the beliefs that are
responsble for dysfunctional behavior patterns -- both individual and
organizational -- and then quickly and permanently eliminate those
beliefs. I've worked with over 1,000 individuals to help them get rid of
such problems as eating disorders, depression, the inability to express
feelings, phobias, etc. I've also worked with over 10,000 employees in
over 30 companies to help them make fundamental changes in employee
behavior and corporate cultures.
The net result of the work I do in organizations is to produce a LO. This
results when employees realize that their beliefs about business are not
"the truth", i.e., universal principles true for all times, but "a truth"
valid only under certain conditions. When the conditions change, then the
job function, the policies, practices, structure, etc. also have to
change. When people think they have "the truth", they can't be open to
learn. When they realize there isn't any "the truth", but only "a truths"
which change and must be searched for daily, a LO is the inevitable
Although we usually speak of learning "organizations." There also are
learning "individuals" i.e., people who are open to constantly learning --
which also is a function of realizing that their deepest and most solid
beliefs are really only "a truths".
I've written a book that was just published this month that describes the
Decision Maker(R) Process, which is the process I use to facilitate
individuals and organizations to eliminate beliefs. It describes the
individual, organizational and social implications of the DM Process. The
steps of the DM Process and a summary of how it works are on the web site.
I look forward to participating in this mail list.
Morty Lefkoe
For information about the Decision Maker(R) Institute and
my book, Re-Create Your Life: Transforming Yourself and
Your World, visit http://decisionmaker.com
--"decisionmaker.com" <Morty@decisionmaker.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>