Knowledge Management Discussion LO13946

Yogesh Malhotra (
Fri, 13 Jun 1997 07:02:30 -0400

The WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management has made available the
online disscussion forum for industry practitioners and research scholars
to facilitate the synergy between industry practice and scholarly
research. The online forum entitled 'Knowledge Management Think Tank (tm):
An Online Discussion Forum for Practicing Executives and Scholars' is
accessible from the WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management.

WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management is accessible at:

Knowledge Management Think Tank (tm) is accessible at:

"The concept of this 'Think Tank' is based on the realization of the dire
need for generating interdisciplinary thinking synergy between the
practicing executives who want to escape the traditional 'stovepipes' and
research scholars who share a strong interest in the topics of Creation,
Facilitation and Processing of Knowledge based on interactions within and
between humans and information systems."

The genesis of this forum lies in a recent exchange with Professor
J.-C. Spender, the guest editor of the Winter 1996 Strategic Management
Journal special issue entitled 'Knowledge and the Firm.'

Pariticipation of interested industry executives and research scholars is
invited for furthering the debate and improving the brand new


Yogesh Malhotra
Editor, WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management e-mail:


Yogesh Malhotra <>

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