When is LO inappropriate? LO13957

thomas.gorham (thomas.gorham@ac.com)
13 Jun 97 17:35:52

Like any great buzzword LO has become cloaked in an aura of goodness that
tends to be taken for granted (this thread aside).

What we often fail to recognize is that LO, in and of itself, is a value
neutral concept that applies equally well to McKinsey, McDonalds, or the
Mob. LO only has positive value when it is applied to achieve a positive
end, creating some sort of personal, social, economic, or cultural value.

When is LO inappropriate? When it isn't being used to create value.

The utopian in me, however, wants to believe that any situation can be
made better(that value can be added) and that LO can be a means to that

I don't buy the line of thought that LO is inappropriate where members of
an organization desire mindless activity. Once this particular
organization recognizes that one of its purposes is to provide a mindless
environment for its people, it can learn to be a more effective mindless
environment. This sounds silly, but in reality it's a quality of work
life issue.



"thomas.gorham" <thomas.gorham@ac.com>

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