Identifying Learning Needs LO13965

Richard C. Holloway (
Sat, 14 Jun 1997 20:16:19 -0700

Replying to LO13937 --

Gary Foreman wrote:

> Is anyone aware of any resource information, systems, or tools that will
> help us to identify our unknown learning needs?
> Is anyone aware of any resource information, systems, or tools that will
> help us to prioritize all identified learning needs?


your group sounds very wise and energetic. I'm sure that someone on this
listing can probably point you in the right direction, and I know that I'm
not that right person. What I do know, though, reading your e-missive, is
that your group probably knows best what it needs to learn right now--and
how to prioritize those things. Sometimes, when you're moving into new
territories, it's very useful to have a guide or map. The worse dangers,
though, with a guide or map is that your faith and dependency may be
mislaid. Have faith in your own strength through dialog within your
groups. Ask these questions (you probably already have) of each member of
your team, asking for reflection before response.

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook contains a bag of tricks that might help a
little, but the best source of information will always be you and your

My best wishes to your continued learning.


Richard C. "Doc" Holloway, Limen Development Network -

" The eagle never lost so much time, as when he submitted to learn of the crow."

-William Blake

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