Leadership in the generative organization LO13990

Crossman, Harold (crossman@OSI.SYLVANIA.com)
Wed, 18 Jun 1997 07:12:13 -0400

Replying to: Leadership in the generative organization LO13982

Doc, thanks for the posting, but I think there was a typo in your

I checked out the web site you recommended, www.cmd.com, and found a
wealth of information - on disk drive controllers.

I used Alta Vista to find: http://www.cmd-glg.com/ and discovered a wealth
of more appropriate info.


Opinions or statements expressed herein, rational or otherwise, do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

Harold J. Crossman OSRAM SYLVANIA INC. Lighting Research Center 71 Cherry Hill Dr. Beverly, MA 01915 Phone: (508) 750-1717 E-mail: crossman@osi.sylvania.com

Our web sites: www.sylvania.com www.siemens.com

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