To my Learning Org Friends:
Several days ago, I said that if any of you were doing innovative things
with on-the-job training, I'd love to hear from you.
Right away, I heard from several people -- thank you! But before I
could read my messages, my mail server went crazy and deleted 97 messages I
hadn't read!!!
If you had a success story to share, would you be kind enough to send it
AGAIN, please?
And if you wanted me to send you a summary of the responses I receive,
I'll be glad to, if you'll just write me again, to let me know.
Sorry for the trouble!!
-- Jeanne
Jeanne Baer, President
Creative Training Solutions
1649 South 21st Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68502
(402) 475-1127
(800) 410-3178
--Jeanne Baer <>
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