I'm conducting an Meyers-Briggs temperament-type survey of all the LO list
subscribers. If you know your "type" and would be willing to share it
with me (on a confidential basis), please send a response directly to
Use MBTI as the subject, and just indicate your temperament type by
letters (for instance, ENTP).
I'll share the results of the survey with you in a couple of weeks.
[Host's Note: 1) Reply directly to Doc, not to the list address; 2) to
make this work let's set a deadline... Say, June 30 for any replies to be
tallied by Doc. ...Rick]
--Richard C. "Doc" Holloway, Limen Development Network - olypolys@nwrain.com
" Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least."
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>