Self Actualisation under Capitalism LO14015

Thomas Benjamin (
Fri, 20 Jun 1997 20:21:11 +0500 EST

Replying to James Needham's LO13988

What James has said in the above posting is as much a reply to LO13973 by
Roxanne in Punished by rewards. Don't you think the discussion on these
two threads are related?

I really cannot reply to Needham's posting. It's about American culture.
Making it more generic, what is being discussed is about what makes people
choose or value the things the specific society values. Do individual
human needs and motivations differ? Is it the way the society molds itself
that seem to influence the way people end up choosing what they choose.
Are people really individualistic? Doesn't individualism become something
every one tends to want because the society expects it? This ramble can go
On. The point is, each of us in our own society tend to follow a pattern
that seems evolve. We may call it the system or the culture. It doesn't

Capitalism, competition, warriorism, etc. were desirable. Now we are
questioning it. It seems to have worked. Will it continue to work? Don't
we need to check our premises?

I think the dialogue Roxanne has offered to facilitate is probably set to
do precisely this?

Thomas P Benjamin


"Thomas Benjamin" <>

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