Ray writes:
>>... I'm reminded of one of the elder voice teachers in the New York Singing
>>Teacher's Association who was asked ... why people couldn't sing and didn't
>>want to. She said: "Because no one knows how to teach them. If you have
>>teachers who know their business then the students will learn and change
>>will happen. Teach them to sing!"
This sounds like it's the teacher's job to motivate the student. We've
been around that bush before. It may take special talent to discover how
to help a student tap into what drives her, but the motivation itself lies
within the student.
Ray continues:
>> When a company hires you and you are being paid then you have to be
>>willing to do whatever is necessary or you shouldn't have taken the job.
This is on the beam. So many people and jobs don't match because the
person didn't evaluate the job well in relation to the self (or vice
versa). I would quibble with the "whatever is necessary" phrase, but the
point about commitment is well taken.
-- David E. Birren Organizational Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Ph: 608-267-2442, Fax: 608-267-3579 <birred@mail01.dnr.state.wi.us>"Teach thy tongue to say 'I do not know' and thou shalt progress." -- Maimonides
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