Much has happened in my life since my last LO post. Most exciting is the
pastor of my church has given me free reign to create the organization of
my dreams using his church as an experiment ground for LO visions and
concepts. I have learned so much on the LO and the DEN list and decided
to take something great and use it as a tool to improve communications
within the church. I have already started an LO-like list. It is called
the Full Devotion Christian Network and is comprised of several daily
threads including The Full Devotion Daily, VisionCast, and The Great
Adventure Daily. They are all aimed at facilitating people helping people
to be and become fully-devoted followers of Christ. People are engaging
in open dialogue, casting visions, and learning together like I always
imagined was possible in the traditionally closed Christian culture.
Rick, I'm grateful for the influence the LO list has had on my life and
now the lives of others. Thanks!
Have a Great Adventure!
Don Kerr
D.A. Kerr
USA Flight Manifest
[Host's Note: Don, good to have you back with us! ...Rick]
--"Kerr, Donald A" <>
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