Working-Learning : Integrated WHOLE LO14261

Andrew Wong Hee Sing (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 08:20:31 +0800

Replying to LO14222 --

Interesting discussion from Micheael A.

He wrote :

"I do not interpret this as a 'workload vs learning' issue. This is a
classic 'both-and', right?'"

Maybe another way of putting it is : Working-Learning : An Integrated
WHOLE, can't be separated, hence it is not two entities "and or both".

If genuine Learning takes place, it leads to ACTION (Work) which gives
satisfaction to 'worker' and that spin off to more Learning.... trigger
personal vision, personal mastery towards shared vision.

Well, above is Theory, in reality it is far from happening. But to manage
it with Parts Management, leads to more chaos and confusion.

A few mental model situational context

a) Work, work, work ....Workload, more Workload, stress
and unhappiness (NO Learning taking place)
b) Knowledge worker (e.g. IT guys, technologist). Work, Creativity,
Problem solving, .. interesting... (Good Learning initially)
then more personal needs come in .. more pay, more
recognition, more status, etc.. dissatisfaction...
need more teamwork, collaboration from many other
departments manned by fierce "political bosses",
no satisfying result,...stress
and unhappiness (NO Learning taking place also)

Now we have a chicken and egg problem :

a) Management does not create a conducing Learning environment
b) Workers do not see knowledge and Learning in their own
sphere of influence as Liberating force.

Where does one begins?


Andrew Wong
Organisation observer and thinker

-- (Andrew Wong Hee Sing)

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