When has there not been an innovation age??
Many people wonder why humans haven't physically changed as much over the
last few decimillenia like the rest of the worlds critters.. because our
culture- formal and informal; adapts for us. When the state of the world
enters on of real or perceived cha nge (the end of a block of 1000 years,
say...) the pace of adaptation must increase. If you do not adapt to your
environment, you die. In Business, you go out of business - at the
community level you flounder, or worse enter a state of dependance on out
side $$...("assistance" type funds)
Take any village in the world and you can make a thriving community...
with an internally valued economy, even export.. ANYWHERE. Where physical
resources do not exist you can bring Intellectual, and spiritual...
ok, back from my little rant... why haven't humans grown more hair to
adapt to the cold in Alaska (where I was until recently).. because we put
on clothes, and live in heated homes.. or we adapt our entire culture to
the cold like the Aluits,Tlingits, and Haida..(and the other few hundred
groups that live in similar conditions around the artic. Technological
solutions replace cultural adaptation so much as there is technological
resources... My wife had an "eskimo" summer coat when she lived in
Fairbank s... which also happens to be a leading facility for high speed
I think the phrase would be better put, "Choose your innovations well, not
by year of discovery- but by suitable applicability."
--Michael Johnson <mjohnson@deltabtg.com>
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