In my studies for fostering Innovation I noticed one major trend in
answering the question "How do we get a certain group of people to use,
diffuse, and create innovations?"... My only answer was to use a
"child-state"... what does this do? Really, dee p-down, what does this
In Peru a coastal town set up nets on a mountain-side... why??
Fishing for the clouds that roll in from the sea, hang the nets parallel
to the coast, "catch" the water, and the run it down pipes to the town...
In this case the function of a net wasn't "to catch fish" it was "to catch
something, like a filter" And the clouds weren't a "source of occasional
rainfall" they were "water very high up in the air"... what else is high
enough to access the water?? "a mountain" - a high place not just "a
geographic element"
--Michael Johnson <>
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