Punished by Rewards LO14330

Alan Mossman (alanmossman@compuserve.com)
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 01:41:11 -0400

Replying to LO14295 --

Winfried Dressler wrote:

>One demotivator is the fear to fail and I understand Personal Mastery as a
>state where one overcomes this fear. Rewards and threads stress the fear
>to fail and therefore have a demotivational influence. For people who have
>reached personal mastery rewards are just irrelevant.

IMO the creative process (personal mastery) is a form in which you operate
despite fear of negative consequences, depression, elation or whatever the
feeling is.

External rewards are irrelevant, yes. But the whole point of wanting to
brin X into being is tohave it exist. That is the intrinsic reward.



Alan Mossman <alanmossman@compuserve.com> The Change Business Ltd 19 Whitehall STROUD GL5 1HA UK 01453 765611 fax: 01453 752261

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