The paper titled 'Knowledge Management in Inquiring Organizations'
accepted for presentation at a forthcoming conference is now available
online. Your views are welcome about the issues discussed in the paper.
The abstract of the paper is given below. The paper is available online
A review of existing conceptualizations of information technology enabled
knowledge management systems suggests that sparse attention has been given
to the human aspects of knowledge creation. Given the increasingly
'wicked' environments, this dominant model of organizational knowledge
management systems is increasingly constrained by its pre-programmed,
convergent and consensus-oriented nature. It is suggested that systems
that can provide multiple, and often conflicting, interpretations are
better suited for wicked environments. We discuss how the human aspects of
knowledge creation are critical for sustaining such systems for
facilitating inquiry based on divergence of meanings and perspectives.
Implications are drawn for improving the design of knowledge management
systems that can facilitate organizational knowledge creation. The
discussion of the human capabilities underlying organizational knowledge
creation for wicked environments is expected to contribute to the bases
for the future evaluation of oganizational knowledge management systems.
Yogesh Malhotra
Yogesh Malhotra WWW:
University of Pittsburgh +1 (412) 648-1646 (voice)
Katz School of Business, MRH 251 +1 (412) 648-1693 (fax)
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 E-Mail:
--Yogesh Malhotra <>
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