Learning from Facts LO14335

John Zavacki (jzavacki@wolff.com)
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 08:38:54 -0400

Replying to LO14323 --

Winfried Dressler <winfried.dressler@voith.de> writes:

...SNIP of background information.
>Based on these ideas, we (Voith Turbo) started to create a "Market
>Factbook" this year. The goal is to find a set of facts - information,
>which enables the creation of market insight and to install a process for
>updating. Getting no more (and no less) information than you need to get
>a valuable picture is the big challenge.
>The thread may be named "learning from facts": Does anyone has
>experience with generating and working with such a "Factbook"?

Both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape have the ability now to
"pull" news, changes to web sites, and the like based on keywords and
filters. You could establish a workstation that polls the internet and
then places the relevant information into the pages of an intranet site
for your marketing team. Take a look at some of the information on Yogesh
Malhotra's site http://www.brint.com

Visit his W3 Virtual Library pages on "knowledge management" and you'll
see some good ideas for handling this type of an effort.

John Zavacki
Wolff Group, Inc.

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