"Innovation Age" Skills? LO14347

Richard C. Holloway (olypolys@nwrain.com)
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 19:27:53 -0700

Replying to LO14336 --

John Zavacki wrote:
> Just a little more linguistic obfuscation, Doc. Foresight? What does
> Webster say?
> This is kind of a fun thread!!

I agree--it is kind of fun--and I enjoyed your expanding the thought. It
reminded me of a quote that I'll share with the list:

"Failure to foresee is an ethical failure."

-Robert K. Greenleaf



Richard C. "Doc" Holloway
Thresholds--Human Development and Networking for Learning Organizations
LearnShop(tm) Creator and Facilitator
P.O. Box 2361, Olympia, WA 98507 
Phone: (360) 786-0925 Fax: (360) 709-4361 mailto:olypolys@nwrain.com

" You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough." --William Blake

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