Learning from Facts LO14350

John Zavacki (jzavacki@wolff.com)
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 05:12:12 -0400

Replying to LO14338 --

Dave Birren writes:

> >Winfried Dressler quoted John Zavacki as saying: "We can only be of value to
> >an organization by being in the organization, which means being in facts."
> WHOA! Is that all an organization is - facts?? It's true that our value
> in organizations depends to a great extent on our ability to see, manage
> and work within relevant pieces of information, but there's a whole lot
> more that we have to be aware of.

BIG snip or really great stuff that we have to be aware of and I agree
with. For clarification's sake, I was responding to the thread on
Innovation and the notion of making leaps of faith, etc. The sentence
quoted was the last line of the message. It's meaning in the context of
the thread is this:

Innovation, change, creativity, and the like are based on facts which are
rearranged in such a way as to create something new. It's all of the other
stuff that Dave talked about in his message that make this new
interpretation possible.


John Zavacki
The Wolff Group

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