DC/VA Readers of Senge LO14377

Wed, 16 Jul 1997 15:45:55 -0500

Replying to LO14357 --

Helene Sheeran wrote:

>>I am in the middle of reading <italic>The Fifth Discipline</italic> and am
>>interested in finding organizations in the DC/VA area that are actively
>>using the skills and techniques of a learning organization.

I recently learned that there's a meditation group in the Pentagon that
has been sitting together for about 20 years (probably not continuously).
The iconoclast in me would like to suggest you contact someone there. If
there's a connection between that group and anything that happens in the
military, you might have something to work with. On the off-chance you
want to pursue this, let me know and I'll try to find more about it.
Otherwise join me in a good chuckle.

Best of luck,


David E. Birren
Organizational Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Ph: 608-267-2442, Fax: 608-267-3579

** Silence is the voice of complicity. **



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