>There is an obvious ideal quality to intrinsic motivation, it probably is
>self-sustaining, yet it has been proven in real practice by probably
>almost every member of this list, that effectiveness can be derived
>through extrinsic rewards. I'm not saying it is the right thing to do and
>I am not saying that extrinsic rewards always work (especially in the long
>term), but if you fail to take advantage of extrinsic motivation IN THE
>MEANTIME, you may not be around for the LONG TERM!
When do you break the cycle of destruction? When do you stop shifting the
burden to lead off on bribery? How do you stop the escalation? By feeding
it? Not being around in the long term is different leadership weakness. A
different way to duck responsibility. Eliminating resignation to
extrinsic motivation alone is not enough. Everyone in the company can be
intrinsically motivated and doing their best, but still go out of
business. When do you stop shifting the burden of planning off on bribery?
Have a Great Adventure!
Don Kerr
--"Kerr, Donald A" <Donald.A.Kerr@USAHQ.UnitedSpaceAlliance.com>
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