Comments on matrix management:
In my experience a matrix organization is one in which two are more people
are responsible for the same thing. With out clear definitions of who is
responsible for which parts.
line line line line staff
production engineering finance sales product manger
The line people in the illustration deal with several products and the
product manger deals with one. and works across the organization. When it
is drawn it looks like a bunch of pigeon holes hence the name matrix
It is the opposite of organizing for accountability.( not blame just
I am a former product manger and CEO. When I worked as product manager the
idea was to have one person focus on the product while the line staff
focused on their technology such as engineering or production. It worked
ok but lacked clarity and promoted conflict. I t was an attempt to have
permanent team in place to work on product projects. It did not work well
be cause the line resented the intrusion and other reasons.
Then I saw in our Japanese partners clarity of purpose and very little
split responsibility. That enabled them to do in18 months what Ford GM
etc. That changed my outlook forever. Clarity of purpose and
accountability gets things done. I believe it was Deming who said, " When
two people are responsible no one is responsible."
Eugene Taurman
People will ultimately perform in accord with the way they are measured
and rewarded.
Control is preconditioning
William L. Ferrara
Penn State University
--Eugene Taurman <>
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