Is intrinsic motivation an obvious ideal?
IMO it need not be. Responding to any of the motivational degrees viz:
Maslow, McCleland, Pareek, would be intrinsic. The drive may be directed
for any type of activity, constructive or destructive.
" but if you fail to take advantage of extrinsic motivation IN THE
MEANTIME, you may not be around for the LONG TERM!" end quote.
Would an organisation with members dependent on extrinsic motivation have
qualities of a learning organisation? A question that I have from the
postings on this conversation.
"When do you stop shifting the burden of planning off on bribery?" end
Isn't this a structural issue. We vs they. Management vs Employees. I
get the feeling that this conversation is about how to shift emphasis from
extrinsic to intrinsic without giving up the element of manipulation.
Idealistic thought!
Thomas P Benjamin
--"Thomas Benjamin" <>
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