Mike Jay wrote:
>Hope I answered the questions in the spirit you intended them!
Very well said Mike. I'm sure I meant those questions to be rhetorical or
not? They are just questions I have. Deming said "to abolish on Monday!"
No one has yet as far as I know. Many view him as an outside critic. A
prophet must stay in AND speak out. If he only speaks out he is only an
outside critic. If he only stays in, he is a conformist. [Brother David
I think you agree, we need to stay in AND speak out. We have too many
outside critics and too many conformists. I appreciate your staying in
and speaking out. I believe Kohn agrees when he ends his book with an
appendix with more questions than answers.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
--"Kerr, Donald A" <Donald.A.Kerr@USAHQ.UnitedSpaceAlliance.com>
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