Button of Intrinsic Motivation LO14494

Sat, 26 Jul 1997 06:11:42 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO14466 --

Ok, ok, I can't resist this thread anymore. Got to give my .02 worth on
the subject.

What is your purpose in life? What makes you want to get out of bed in
the morning and face the day, all its issues and problems, and be excited
about it? That is your button. For John, it is in the satisfaction of
knowing that he is "making a difference" and helping an individual in
need. For others it simply is what is in their paycheck at the end of
each week.

Whatever the real source of purpose in one's life is, is where you will
find them most motivated. My opinion is that Maslow has most of it, but
not all. People are driven by needs, and pyramid positioning in part
determines their level of needs. However, it really doesn't take into
account the spiritual aspect of one's nature. I have met many that do not
have all of the basic needs met, yet they are motivated, happy, and
excited to be alive. What I find different is their level of faith,
however they define it. Their purpose in life is not measurable by the
standards as we would like them to be, and therefore not definable in easy
terms, but they are motivated none the less.

Cathy Hampton



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