>I did find the file at
>Kenn Martin Project Officer
>Teaching and Learning Centre University of Western Australia
>Phone 9380 1503/Fax 9380 1156 http://www.acs.uwa.edu.au/csd/
>Email: kmartin@csd.uwa.edu.au
Please try the above revised addresses. Sorry for any confusion.
-- Jack Zigon President Zigon Performance Group PO Box 520 Wallingford, PA 19086-0520Specializing in Performance Management for teams and hard-to-measure jobs
Email: jack@zigonperf.com URL: www.zigonperf.com
Voice: 610-891-9599 Fax: 610-891-9055 Orders: 800-244-2892 Fax-on-demand: 800-299-3022
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>