Punished By Rewards LO14573

James Bullock (jbullock@pipeline.com)
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 03:17:36 -0400

Replying to LO14464

PMFJI, but . . .

You said:

> I live my life from a center of
> doing what I love, so I understand the value of intrinsic inspiration
> which provides a source of motivation and energy for me.

> However, while EVERYONE may have this potential, I see most abdicate
> it...in many ways. [and not always of their own volition]

That's both perceptive, and hits a nerve. I spoke at length with a friend
about an organization to build (blue-skying, a bit). Argued about the
model, rewards, implementation, etc. Maximize autonomy. Variable job/work

In the end he said: "But not everybody can do that. Not eveyone will want
to work that way."

I wonder if the requirement to pursue "growth uber alles", which comes
from external capital formation, forces us into extrinsic / Taylor-esque

Gotta keep growing, or the stockholders get annoyed. So, eventually we run
out of "the right people" or "the right customers" or "the right
products". Compromise one or more of these components of the business
model, in the interest of continued growth. We trade-off the quality of
the work (engagement of people, value to customers, etc. These are just
examples.) in the interest of growth. We trade-off the work environment,
as well, down to ever-shrinking cubes, since they're cheap and easy to

I wonder to what degree reliance on extrinsic rewards is a consequence of
the need for ongoing, predictable growth?

It seems that the accountants are making some very big decisions for us

P. S.

"What's a VCF file?"

A .VCF is a "Book Card"; an open standard format for personal contact information, appendable to messages. Not yet broadly supported, using a book card is my attempt to _outgrow_ closed software that locks us into particular products (or families) by controlling data in closed formats. It'll either become common, or I'll drop it, eventually.

" All of the greatest and most important problems of life are fundamentally insoluble . . . They can never be solved, but only outgrown."

-Carl Jung

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