Intro -- Scott Elliott LO14585

Scott Elliott (
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 22:48:20 PDT

Hello Fellow LO Students,

I am the Manager of a globally-distributed group of consultants who
specialize in the management of electronics manufacturing and design. We
work for a large electronics/computer company and consult as a service to
help our customers improve their business results.

I hold the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering. Before
consulting, I worked for many years as an R&D manager and later as a
manufacturing manager in a high-tech and semiconductor fab facility.

In my factory job and in consulting for other companies I have observed
that the most successful groups or companies are those that have developed
good organizational learning skills. Ubiquitous training and
reinforcement on TQC training has been key to my own company's steady
growth and success for over 50+ years.

Recently we have begun to recognize more formally that there is a process
associated with developing a learning organization. Some groups seem to
develop this process naturally -- in others, it never develops and yields
do not increase.

Although we have developed many consulting deliverables and specialities,
each of them tries to help develop our customer as a learning and
improving organization. In addition, we have tried to develop our global
consulting group into a good example of such an organization.

I am thrilled to find this discussion group tonight (31 July 1997) and
will be an eager participant.

Best Regards,
Scott Elliott
Santa Rosa, California, USA


"Scott Elliott" <>

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