The "official" descriptive follows:
OMT Conversations with Eminent Scholars: An Organizational Diagnosis
Seminar with Harry Levinson
Sponsored by OMT
Saturday, August 9, 1997, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sheraton Boston, Berkeley Room A & B.
Mark Meckler Florida Atlantic University
Harry Levinson Harvard Medical School
The Levinson Institute
Karl Weick University of Michigan
Mark Peterson Florida Atlantic University
Hamid Bouchikhi ESSEC, France
Fred Foulkes Boston University
Style: Round Table, Interactive/participative
8:10 AM Morning Session 1:
Fundamentals and the Psychoanalytical Approach to Organizational
10:00 AM Morning Session 2:
Epistemology of Organizational Diagnosis
2:00 PM Afternoon Session 1:
Organizational Identity and Organization Diagnosis
3:40 PM Afternoon Session 2:
Organization Diagnosis and HRM: Succession, Placement and Organizational
Mark Meckler | "For the perfection of
Doctoral Candidate | things is to be judged
Department of Management | by their nature and power
and International Business | alone; nor are they more or
Florida Atlantic University | less perfect because they
777 Glades Road | delight or offend the human
Boca Raton FL 33431 | senses, or because they are | beneficial or prejudicial to
(561) 367-2964 | human nature." Spinoza, Ethics
--"Mark Meckler" <>
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