Punished by Rewards LO14618

Thu, 07 Aug 1997 06:43:32 -0600

Replying to LO14615 --

Reply to LO14615:

Hello, Thomas! I agree also, however, as an appendice I thought I would
draw an analogy. I believe that our school system/culture does much the
same thing to the capacities mentioned by Mike such as creativity etc., as
a zoo does to animals- it renders them inert to functioning in their
natural ways. It is no small task to create the conditions that would
reignite the innate fires of self-direction in people. Furthermore, under
circumstances where these conditions for this to happen are created to
effect change, but are not sustained consistently, mixed messages are sent
to participants in the organization, setting a stage for caution if not
distrust. With deep communication and shared meaning and openness, all
skills sorely needed, the transformation can be effected. Cheers, Conrad



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