> does anyone know of anything relating to workplace aesthetics? this could
> be both organisational and workplace design and surround, but also the
> cultural aesthetics/aesthetics of culture? e.g. aesthetically pleasing
> working environment - which has to include both physical things and
> emotional/psychological things too?
IMHO the place reflects the organization. The people take their cues about
how to be, in part from the environment provided.
I'd investigate:
_The Design of Everyday Things_ - Norman, Donald (I think on the first
_Notes on the Synthesis of Form_ - Alexander (Can't recall the first
_TOG on Interface_ - TOG, or Mac Fame (Who is likely going insane right
_The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life_ - Goffman (sp?)
_Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams_ - DeMarco and Lister
_Zen In the Art of Archery_ - (The original, in part the inspiration
for " . . And the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance)
_ Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance_ - Prisig, Robert
_The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit_
I wonder if there is an "anthropology of business life" out there.
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--James Bullock <jbullock@pipeline.com>
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