Zigon Performance Group is offering it's 1998 series of 2-day workshops on
"How to Measure the Results of Work Teams" in Philadelphia, Feb 25-26, May
13-14, Sept. 16-17, and Nov. 18-19.
Participants will receive hands-on training in all phases of measurement
of work team results: Defining team results, defining individual results
which support the team, creating measures and performance standards,
planning feedback systems and implementing measurement systems.
For immediately faxed information, call our fax on demand system at
800-299-3022 and request document 3001, an 8 page brochure. Or call Franci
Goldstein at 800-244-2892 and she'll mail or fax you the brochure.
The September 24-25, 1997 session has sold out, but an additional session
is being planned for the following week due to an overwhelming demand for
the workshop. Call Franci at the above number within the next 10 days if
you are interested.
-- Jack Zigon President Zigon Performance Group PO Box 520 Wallingford, PA 19086-0520Specializing in Performance Management for teams and hard-to-measure jobs
Email: jack@zigonperf.com URL: www.zigonperf.com
Voice: 610-891-9599 Fax: 610-891-9055 Orders: 800-244-2892 Fax-on-demand: 800-299-3022
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>