Learning philosophy LO14774

W.M. Deijmann (winfried@universal.nl)
Thu, 28 Aug 1997 11:24:29 +0200

At de Lange wrote in LO14764

>It took me 250 pages to set out the theory in my forthcoming book. Do do
>it a paragraph or two is impossible. I will rather use a dynamical icon to
>refer to the essence of theory. The theory represents reality as a ragged
>vortex (vortex = lifting spiral).

Hi At, (and other LO-forumdwellers too) Long time no hear! It is good to
be back and being able to breath in some new fresh LO-air!

How are you doing and how is your book progressing?

I remember the lively, high level dialogues we had on the LO -list very
well. As you certainly have noticed I have been a substantial time in the
lurker's mode. Actually over the last 5 to six months I have been so busy
that I only read the person-to-person e-mail.

But here is my answer to your question.

>I then asked my
>question in the sense of this structure-process evolving as an essential
>pattern of reality. It is in this sense that I refered to the origin of

Allow me to jump-a-conclusion and suggest a book I think might interest you:

The "Philosophy of Freedom" by dr. Rudolf Steiner.

here's one little quote from chapter 9 of this book:

"The highest level of individual life is that of conceptual thinking
without regard to any definite perceptual content of the concept through
pure intuition from out of the ideal sphere."

> At writes:
> <Those who believe in God will say that God is the origin. But God
> <said that He images himself in His Creation. So the believers will
> <also have to find the origin in His image, namely Creation. Thus they
> <will have to do exactly what the atheists will also be doing.

Here's an other quote. it's Rudolf Steiner's description of the activity
that takes place when we observe our thinking:

"When we observe our thinking, we live during this observation directly
within a self-supporting spiritual web of being. Indeed, we can even say
that if we could crasp the essential nature of spirit in the form in which
it presents itself *most immediately* to man, we need only look at the
self-sustaining activity of thinking. When we are contemplating thinking
itself, two things coincide which otherwise *must* always appear apart,
namely, concepts and percepts. If we fail to see this, we shall be unable
to regard the concepts which we have elaborated with respect to percepts
as anything but shadowy copies of these percepts, and we shall, further,
build up for ourselves a metaphysical world after the pattern of the
perceived world; we shall call this a world of atoms, a world of will, a
world of unconscious spirit, or whatever, each according to his own kind
of mental imagery. And we shall fail to notice that all the time, we have
been doing nothing but building up a metaphysical world hypothetically,
after the pattern of *our own* world of percepts. But if we recognize what
is present in thinking, we shall realize that in the percept we have only
one part of reality and that the other part which belongs to it, and which
first allows the full reality to appear, is **experienced** by us in the
permeation of the percept of thinking. We shall see in this element that
appears in our consciousness as thinking, not a shadowy copy of some
reality, but a self-sustaining spiritual essence. And of this we shall be
able to say that it is brought into consciousness for us through
**intuition**. Intuition is the conscious experience-in pure spirit-of
purely spiritual content. Only through an intuition can the essence of
thinking be grasped."

The above has become my philosophical fundament to grasp the essence of
every learning activity.

Back to At's question:
>I then asked my
>question in the sense of this structure-process evolving as an essential
>pattern of reality. It is in this sense that I refered to the origin of

'being-becoming' can be translated in the concepts 'polarity' and 'rythm'.
being stands for being at one of the two poles. Becoming = moving in the
direction of the other pole.
Moving forward and backwards iterative between the poles causes rythm.
Distinquish the poles and you'll feel and observe the rythm.
Feel the rythm and you will discover the poles.
Just imagine yourself in the MIR and take a look at our precious globe,it's
all there: North - South, Day-night, summer - winter, breath in-breath out,
awake- asleep, alive - dead, happy - sad, management - workfloor, activ -
passiv, chaotic -structured. etc.
And the whole thing turns and turns and turns!

>> Is all this to heavy for this list?
>Not for me. I find it immensely stimulating. But what about the rest of
>the organlearners? Do their intuition tell them tthat there is a strange
>connection between structure- process and Learning Organisation?

Edxactly! What about the rest of you?

greetings from extremely warm and humid Holland!



Winfried M. Deijmann Deijmann & Partners - Zutphen - The Netherlands Artists, Consultants and Facilitators for Organizational Learning and Action Learning <Winfried@universal.nl>

*** N E W PHONENUMBERS: Norway Office: +47-92458195 New Mobilnr: +31-(0)654947127 ***

"An educated mind is useless without a focussed will and dangerous without a loving heart" (unknown source)

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