Learning Philosophy LO14785

Fri, 29 Aug 97 11:15:41 -0400

from Winfried M. Deijmann re:learning philosophy LO14774

>The "Philosophy of Freedom" by dr. Rudolf Steiner.
>here's one little quote from chapter 9 of this book:
>"The highest level of individual life is that of conceptual thinking
>without regard to any definite perceptual content of the concept through
>pure intuition from out of the ideal sphere."

It is with this thought that I will dive headlong into At de Langes'
question in LO14764 "on what is all chaos a development of?"

Chaos is the perception of an unknown process. It is my feeling (faith)
that there is in fact no such thing as chaos. The more we look at things
that we do not understand, the more that we realize everything behaves
predictably based on input from external forces. We look at what we
originally thought of as chaos, then, understanding the process, define its
structure-process or being-becoming. Everything in this universe, including
such things and intangible as human emotions will give us a result within a
set of parameters based on its input. The more we understand the processes
involved, the more closely we can define the results parameters and
ultimately predict the behaviour more and more accurately. Therefore, the
origin of chaos is in Mans' feeble attempt to rationalize that which he
does not understand, hence, god.
It is in this thread, human perception, that I would like to comment on the
following statement from At:

>To explain an origin, we need a vortex of connected structure-process
>events which we can trace backwards until we reach the origin. I am not so
>sure that I can go backwards to the origin of this Creation, but I am
>definitely sure that I cannot go beyond that origin to the origin of its
>Creator. The simple reason is that time is part of Creation. As soon as I
>try to go beyond the origin of this creation, time does not exist any

Time *as we perceive it* may not exist, but still exist none the less.
However, if what I am saying has any validity whatsoever, then there may
not _be_ any specific origin to your vortex (ala Hofstadters' Little
Harmonic Labyrinth), therefore, no discontinuation of time, be it as we
perceive it now or otherwise.

wow, no origin, no chaos, what's next?

"He who cuts corners goes round in circles"


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