Experiences in Stewardship --
A whole-system experience in self-organization.
November 2-5, 1997
Jiminy Peak -- Hancock, MA
$600/person (some scholarships available)
Call 800-773-8017 to register.
Call/email for a printed or electronic invitation.
View the entire invitation and background /
design materials at http://www.ourfuture.com.
Gain a deeper understanding of how Stewardship,
Self-Organization and Whole-System Learning can
help build sustainable Learning Communities capable
of creating their preferred future.
Stewardship and Self-Organization are often explored
separately. But they are parts of a larger whole.
When integrated they provide a pivotal shift in
consciousness, presenting a clearer framework for
understanding than could otherwise be imagined.
Discover what it means to be in stewardship to the
ecology of a living organizational system.
Through alternate languages -- art, poetry, music,
improvisation, dialogue, and modeling -- we'll transcend
paradox, conveying new concepts in a way conventional
language cannot. Through individual and group
experiences we'll show how to be in stewardship to
a living organizational system. How often have you
said "I can't tell you, but I can show you?"
First we'll generate the context needed to understand
how to be in stewardship to a living system. For without
context the threads of connection break, fragmenting
our learning. Then within that context -- within a
whole-system learning environment -- we'll blend vibrant
images of stewardship and living systems, fully engaging
one another as we develop and enact the rich, textured
new story
Join with us in bringing an ecosystem to life in a
rich learning environment. Join with us as we each
become stewards of the system -- as we experience
becoming the system itself. Join with us in creating
living communities of learning.
"To regain our full humanity, we have to regain
our experience of connectedness with the entire
web of life." -- Fritjof Capra.
Thank-you for the opportunity to share this invitation.
John Dicus
--John Dicus | jdicus@ourfuture.com CornerStone Consulting Associates | http://www.ourfuture.com Bubilding Learning Communities Through-Whole System Change Consulting | Facilitation | Workshops | Seminars | Speaking 2761 Stiegler Road, Valley City OH 44280 800-773-8017 | 330-725-2728 (fax) **Experiences In Stewardship Seminar - Nov 2-5 **
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>