Might be an idea to cc any response directly to Gene, since he does not
subscribe to this list.
[Host's note: That is... reply to the LO list and cc: to Gene. ...Rick]
>Date: Thu, 04 Sep 97 13:09:41 EDT
>From: gene shackman <gxs03@health.state.ny.us>
>Subject: emperical research about organizational change
>To: appsoc@indiana.edu, govteval@nasionet.net
>I just sent a note about one method of organizational change.
>I was also wondering if people knew about any emperical research
>which compared the success of different methods of organizational
>change. For example, any studies comparing total quality managment
>with the incremental change approach, any comparisons of any
>other methods? Or are there any reviews, for example, in Annual
>Review of Sociology, or Annual Reviews of other organizational
>related areas, of emperical research about organizational change?
>Gene Shackman, PhD | Uncle of one of the cutest |
>NYS DOH - Nutrition | nephews in the world! |
>1215 Western Ave ******************************
>Albany NY 12203
>(518) 458-5599
bobwill@actrix.gen.nz http://www.gil.com.au/comm/profcounsel/elogue.htm
"Only Connect"
--Bob Williams <bobwill@actrix.gen.nz>
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