Thank you. I found your explanation of this concept lucid and most helpful
especailly as you linked it to other helpful concepts most of us are
already familiar with, ie. Argyris' ideas of espoused theory and theory in
I get asked the question if the critical reflection strategies I have
developed and use with groups actually change a person's habits of
behaviour. I use another instrument, Critical Reflection Inventory (CRI)
to guage people's self perceptions of their ability to think critically.
BUT self-perceptions and exercises, even if repeated a number of times may
not be enough to change people's habitual ways of acting. The 'aha'
experiences are good and we THINK we behave differently, but have we
unlearned...yes, there is pain.
Thanks Bill.
At 7:39 AM 28/8/97, Bill Godfrey wrote:
>I first came across the concept of unlearning in Swieringa and Wierdsma's
>1992 'Becoming a Learning Organization' (ISBN 0 201 62753 1) and found it
>very useful.
>As I understand their take on the concept, at the personal level it has to
>do largely with the gap between espoused theory and theory in use. We
>learn new ideas or new frames but continue to behave in the old way. How
>do we unlearn the visceral level behaviours that undermine the integrity
>with which we act? Have you ever tried to drop a bad habit?
>At an organisational level, it has to do with the trauma experienced as
>people find that what used to be accepted norms or what used to be
>rewarded (eg unquestioning obedience) is now a barrier to their progress.
>Learning and unlearning go together, but its the unlearning that is
Francesco Sofo (PhD)
Head, Human Resource Development / Adult Education Program
University of Canberra
PO Box 1
Phone: (61 - 6) 2015123
Fax: (61 - 6) 2015057
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