Compassion & Sense of Beauty LO14902

Ray Evans Harrell (mcore@IDT.NET)
Tue, 09 Sep 1997 13:00:25 -0700

Replying to LO14881 --

Andrew Wong Hee Sing wrote:
> I hope to synergise Art and Business Worlds as follow:
> There are roles, there are actors, ... with the aim of producing
> intended Business results.

Thanks Andrew: I don't think we are too far apart on that one.

ROLES = Character or task requires things unique to that
situation. I believe that John calls that a "virtual organization."
The role calls forth every quality, sometimes harsh sometimes soft
but necessary to the task. Sometimes the qualities are what under
normal circumstances would be considered negative but necessary.

ACTOR = The overall skill set of the worker. The totality of
the professional. The basic thrust of the Actor is joy. He
enjoys all of the qualities necessary in doing a role, laughter
or tears, or rage or fear. They are all just a part of the masks
that he uses to manifest his skill.

PERSON = This is the missing part. This contains, perception
intelligence, relationship and spiritual life. Both roles and
acting are a part of the worker section of the person's life.
The PERSON section is the whole identity.

> It was discussed / learnt earlier, the purpose is not to eliminate
> "negative" "villian" i.e. "the enemy is not out there!"

What I was referring to was the need for any team to have all
of the roles including trickster and villian and that people
respond to that "calling" based upon their (usually) unconscious
needs. The point that I was making was that conscious awareness
of the need for each of these group roles and how they are filled
is more efficient in group development than unconscious reaction.

> Here it is a scene of a drama or art piece. How is it compared with
> Business world?

In the sense that they are semiotic, i.e. have a task a producer
and a receiver, they are the same.

> The above describes two domains : one is a group
> of actors with roles-play, and another is Observer(s) or Designers
> or Directors.

actors = workers; observer = final judge or customer; Designer =
creator or inventor; Director = project fascilitator or superviser.

> It is agreed that in the former domain there is
> no "villian" or "bad actors", just that "everyone has a role
> to play, to complete the "scene" or "story".

villian is a group role or a character in the project. Whether he
is disruptive is dependent upon how conscious the Director/supervisor
is as to the use of the villian. Bad Actors are unskilled and have
no place except in school. Disfunctional workers are different from
bad actors. It is the job of the Director to decide whether it
is possible to fascilitate the disfunctional worker in finding
their role or to seek a role in some other "production." This is
very important because the firing of a disfunctional worker in an
artistic production always is very complicated with severe issues of
empathy and vulnerability amongst the other workers. Handled poorly
you could make everyone disfunctional. The thought occured to me
at this moment that even "disfunctional" maybe a role called up by
the group.

> Then there is this
> second domain : the Observer(s) or Designers wanting to see
> the Beauty, the Balance, the Completeness, the Whole.

In the graphic arts, these are usually one and the same. In music
it is in the hands of performers, interpreters, i.e. professional

> Who are the Observers, Designers or Directors in an Organisation?

See above.

> Some say it is the Customers, but they are too far and remote
> to intervene directly.

Not true in a performance. Simple applause or boos will do.

Likely these are the Actors who have
> designated role-play in organisation. But WHEN and HOW is
> ACTOR also OBSERVER? or When do you detach self and involve self?

Good questions: These are our answers as performing artists.

The Designer, i.e. composer, writer, etc. defines the roles. e.g.
flute, trombone, tenor, leading lady, supporting actor etc.

The roles are filled by performers with those skills.

The performers function in an observer process before the
performance with the detached observer/customers. This is
I. practice or rehearsal function and contains these elements
A. Preparatory thought and plan of action.
B. Execution of plan
C. Evaluation of that execution with feedback tools.
Then repeat.

(self is detached in the performance. It is not good form
to observe your own performance. That lack of concentration on
your task betrays the product.)

II. The second observer function has to do with
post performance evaluation. This is done with outside
help from colleagues, personal memory and reviews by
critics in the press.


Ray Evans Harrell


Ray Evans Harrell <mcore@IDT.NET>

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