Lic. Enrique Cardenas y C. wrote:
> I am giving some courses on Leadership and Self Directed Teams, High
> Performance Teams, etc. and one question arised in one of our sessions:
> And, after self directed, high performance teams, what goes on? Can
> somebody tell me?
> --
> (Lic. Enrique =?iso-8859-1?Q?C=E1rdenas?= y
Hi Enrique:
Not sure how to interpret the question??? But, the challenge for the
"after high-performing team" is to maintain it. I've seen teams who have
claimed to have "arrived" only to find themselves in the middle of
conflict months later. I rely on periodic instrumented learning profiles
to keep members in "touch" with themselves and with the team as learners.
These profiles are very effective -- they are self-scoring and
self-interpreting tools that provide most accurate and reliable feedback
in the areas of leadership, communication, team roles, etc... I've also
used the Disc.
I'd be happy to send you more information if you'd like.
Tom Sullivan
Professional Growth Associates
--"Thomas J. Sullivan" <>
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