Compassion & Sense of Beauty LO14925

Kerr, Donald A (
Wed, 10 Sep 1997 15:10:11 -0500

Replying to LO14899 --

Winfried gently asked me off-line to clarify my *strange thinking* in
response to Scott yesterday. Winfried called it strange thinking. He's
right. It is strange because it is not about thinking. It is about
metanoia-awaken shared intuition. (Fifth Discipline, Shift of Mind
chapter). Meta-above and beyond. Noia-mind.

Scott expressed concern for my choosing to emphasize the latent goodness
of the nature of man as opposed to the *original evil sin nature*
paradigm. I simply believe that *the essentials of the whole complicated
business of developing a learning organization boils down to the
simplicity of developing those inherent good qualities latent in all of
us, which allow us to experience a sense of compassion and beauty for the
world around us.*, i.e. Awakening shared intuition.

When I wrote:
>Most of the New Testament was written by a persecuting serial killer.
>Did God see Paul in Saul?
>> True enough, humanity was created in the image of God. However, that
>>'original sin' of which Don spoke was human desire to be God-like. Satan
>>says to one of the humans: "You will surely not die (if you eat the fruit
>>of the tree about which God warned you) For God knows that when you eat of
>>it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and
>>evil." (Genesis 3:4,5).
>Was Paul good or evil? What knowledge of good and evil are you basing
>your answer on? The desire to answer this question is the *original
>sin* I was speaking about.

I'm simply agreeing with Brother David Steindl-Rast when he says *To bless
whatever there is, and for no other reason but simply because it is, that
is what we are made for as human beings. Whether we understand this or not
matters little. Whether we agree or disagree makes no difference. And in
our heart of hearts we know it...When we bless things simply becuase they
are, we live life in its fullness.*

For me the desire to see the world and the people in it any other way is
*original sin* rooted in my metaphorically eating from the tree of the
KNOWLEDGE OF good and evil.

Metanoia is awakening shared intuition. Senge calls for metanoia. I
suspect *Learning organization* is just as much about mindfulness and
gratitude as it is change. Agree?

For me, Salvation through Jesus Christ (or the Way, Truth, and Life or I
AM if you prefer) is about diving out of the transitory knowledge of good
and evil and into the timeless Great I AM...the tree of life. Seeing the
whole body and feeling the compassion and sense of beauty arise! It is
indeed about living in eternity-the now that never passes away. In the I
AM, opposites[male/female, Greek(unbeliever)/Jew(believer), slave/free,
Saul (evil)/Paul(good)] are resolved. He sees the New Testament in Saul,
i.e. good in bad.

Salvation is indeed about belonging which allows us to experience a sense
of compassion and beauty for the world around us. Systems thinking is
about belonging. Dialogue is about getting beyond opposites. It is about
diving into the flowing river of life. You can't scoop up a river in a
bucket. If you scoop up a portion of water in a bucket based on your
selected knowledge of good and evil, the water stops. You sin. You
alienate. You separate. You judge. You close up.You stop learning. Your
water stops flowing. I'm suggesting a jumping into the whole river and
not trying to selectively scoop up a part and classify it all the time.

Steve Barnett wrote:
>However, thank you Scott Ott for suggesting that the truth of
>organisational learning is not in spiritual-self, self-centredness, self-
>analysis, self-understanding or self-anything, but in purposeful
>selflessness like that born of faith in God through Jesus Christ.

Purposeful selflessness is exactly what I am saying. The one who loses
his life, will find it. Sure, the facts show there are good people and
evil people. But, how do you know this if you are truly selfless? How do
you know you are naked? Who told you? The one who loses his life of
*opened eyes* and knowledge of good and evil (Gen 3), discovers Christ
within...the tree of life(Gen 2). I know He is the WAY to a personal
relationship with God. I'm just not sure He is THE way.

In the mean time, I'm having a Great Adventure in blessing the good in
each and every man/woman! People are changing.

I hope this helps Winfried. If not, let me know and I'll try again. I
appreciate your willingness to listen thoroughly first before judging.
Seems you understand this posting already. Nice to be with you in the

Have a Great Adventure!
Don Kerr


"Kerr, Donald A" <>

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