Andrew Wong Hee Sing wrote:
> Ray Evans Harrell
> One thought arises :
> What happen in the Art World, the actors, role-play etc...
> go on acting, playing the designed role, with no
> target date for actual performance.....
Hi Andrew: art that is performed with no target goal is generally
spiritual. That art is ceremonial or meditative. The audience is
participative with the performers in the ceremony that is being done. The
goal is somewhere in the future or simply the doing without the performers
or audience communicating with each other. In this case the audience is
not a consumer but a participant in the role of celebrant.
Proscenium Arch or Staged Art is presented at an agreed upon time by both
performers and audience. The meaning of the word stage was orginally
"Altare" raised spot or Altar. The actors are on an altar communicating
with the audience. There is an energy exchange directly between the work,
its interpreters and the the audience. This type of work always seems a
little strange in a spiritual situation although there have been
Masterworks written that are used in the ceremonial chamber but from a
staged performance process.
> it is routine act / play , just routine, .....
> or the target date is many many years down the road,
> a life time period.
All art is routine to artists. That is the definition of skill. "Habit
raised to Natural intuition." The art that you are descibing is generally
in the West considered meditative art rather than a staged work. Does
this help?
> What will happen?
Meditative art is a form of artistic prayer. It has various purposes that
relate to growth and elevated consciousness. Proscenium or staged work
must be practiced with the audience because the dialogue itself is a type
of skill. So there is never a completed performance, only performances on
the way to perfection and that always includes the live audience as well.
Think of a discussion with only one person. It isn't a discussion unless
there is a person to communicate with. That communication is a
Ray Evans Harrell, artistic director
The Magic Circle Chamber Opera of New York
--Ray Evans Harrell <mcore@IDT.NET>
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