Scholarly Articles LO14973

Eugene Taurman (
Fri, 12 Sep 1997 08:27:32

Replying to LO14949 --

Tim Clark

Interesting comments. Thank you . Do the observations of Hammond &
Morrison explain why we keep renaming the same ideas over and over to make
them sound new? I ma constantly amazed at the old ideas in new clothes.
Though they often help explain the whole as Senge does so well I am
frustrated at the new names for the same.


At 11:35 AM 9/11/97 -0400, you wrote:
[...snip by your host...]
>Josh Hammond and James Morrison, in their book, Stuff Americans are Made
>Of, identify seven cultural forces that define Americans. These are:
>Insistence on Choice; Pursuit of impossible dreams; Obsession with Big and
>more; Impatience with time (we want it now), OOPS! -- acceptance of
>mistakes which is how we learn; Urge to Improvise and a Fixation with
>What's New.
>I believe their theory helps to explain the motivation and interest in the
>development of new ideas and concepts that appear to be based on
>principles that are not new.
>Tim Clark

Eugene Taurman

"What you see depends upon what you thought before you looked."


Eugene Taurman <>

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