The theme of our next issue is: Developing and measuring leadership
competencies. We welcome papers on the subjects of assessing managerial
competence, competency development, skill building, competency profiles
for leadership, measuring leadership effectiveness, linking business
strategy with leadership development, and using competencies in HR systems
to identify and develop effective leaders.
MDF is published twice a year by the FORUM program at the
State University of New York's Empire State College. This publication
is distributed to human resource professionals, trainers, and consultants
engaged in management development and education.
The objective of this journal is to stimulate innovative thinking, share
new developments and ideas, and report on new techniques and
intervention programs relevant to managers. MDF serves as a pool for
new theory and practical knowledge that will support human resource
professionals seeking to enhance management training, education, and
development in their organizations.
[...snip by your host... Write Marilyn McCabe for complete text...]
The Management Development Forum cannot pay for manuscripts,
but two complimentary copies will be provided to published authors.
Management Development Forum selection criteria are based on the
Style -- Does the information or ideas flow smoothly in a journalistic,
reporting tone?
Audience appeal -- Does the article capture HR professionals' interest
in promoting broad management development and effectiveness? Is it
current, relevant and useful? Does it tell the reader how to be more
successful at work? Is the approach discussed in the article grounded
in theory?
New thinking -- Does the article stimulate innovative thinking and the
development of new insights? Promote new ideas?
Marilyn McCabe
Managing Editor
c/o Dr. Alan Belasen
Management Development Forum
28 Union Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-4390
For more information contact Marilyn
McCabe at
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