Winfried wrote:
>I cannot resist to comment a few sentences on what Judith Weiss understood
>to be a "Religious flame war". (My experience was more that of a dialog,
>may be some discussion in it.)
I agree Winfried. My experience was also dialogos. I did not see any
flames or wars. I appreciate your excellent contributions. Quite
frankly, I'm disappointed at the need for some to resist building a shared
vision of learning organizations that includes the possibility of
spiritual dialogue. The very title of this thread concerns me. I don't
know how we can engage in dialogue about learning organizations and
justify fragmentation of soul, spirit, mind, body, etc. I love hearing
your perspective and the persepectives of other's spirituality, religions,
philosophies. The Compassion and a Sense of Beauty thread, although
appearing to deviate from the original intent, was very healthy and
Looking forward to more *Religious dialogue* here. My hope is we can
learn from each other, how to grasp the deeper meaning of metanoia and
thus the deeper meaning of learning and how to facilitate it.
Have a Great Adventure!
Don Kerr
--"Kerr, Donald A" <>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <> -or- <>