Learning Org in S.Africa LO15066

Simon Buckingham (go57@dial.pipex.com)
Sun, 21 Sep 97 08:37:58 GMT

Replying to LO15048 --

Stanley- quite a few I think- they have an imperative to learn new less
structured and organized ways of dong buisness in the post-aprtheid world.
Certainly Channel Africa, a unit of the South African Broadcasting
Corporation counts as a learning organization: they downstrcutured to free
their employees to learn- see www.unorg.com/sabc2.htm for a detailed case
study- you are sure to learn from their innovation!

Rgds sincerely Simon Buckingham, author "Unorganization: The Business

> How many South African organizations are going this route? How many have
> implemented already?
> "Stanley Molema" <molemas@mp3nis01.eskom.co.za>


Simon Buckingham <go57@dial.pipex.com>

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>