As always, I enjoy immensely Scott's "circling of the square wheel" which
manifests in so many intriguing thoughts.
He retyped the phrase about how "Trust is the Residue of Promises
This reminds me of work currently underway at the Center for Quality of
Management, at Analog Devices, Inc., and at my own company to look afresh
at conversation.
Before we act with or for someone or some others, we have conversations
for relationships. There follow conversations for possibilities, which
lead to conversation for action. Such a model includes the concept that
from one stage to the next trust builds. It's a simple model which makes
much sense. The fulfillment which Scott aptly calls forth is integrally
tied in to this wonderful, dynamic model, which has more to it than meets
the eye.
For instance, these two questions: What percentage of our organizational
conversations are sub-optimal by our own admission?
And if we multiply the annual hours spent sub-optimally in conversation,
what is lack of clarity (breeding lack of Trust in people and/or ideas)
costing our organizations?
Best regards,
--Barry Mallis
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