In Memory of Don Schon LO15127
Fri, 26 Sep 1997 09:34:35 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO15120 --

Thanks to everyone who have posted messages about the death of Donald
Schon and your memory of him!

When I heard of the death of Donald Schon I was deeply saddened. I am a
student of the writings, thoughts, philosophy and beliefs of Donald Schon.
While I never met the person, in many ways I feel I have met the heart and
mind of the man. He has been one of my mentors, unknowingly to him!

Currently I am writing my dissertation, "An Exploratory Study of the Ways
in Which Reflection Happens in an Organization". Schon's work plays a
significant role in my orienting framework. Over the years I have read
and reflected on his various writings. During the past year I have
thought about calling him more than once to talk about the work that I am
doing, the data I have collected, and the writing and connections that I
am exploring. I am saddened that I now no longer have that opportunity
and regret that I did not sooner follow my hunch to call and "chat with
him." My ongoing dialogue will be with his work, his memory and my fellow

I appreciate the practice of listing a person's accomplishments and then
taking one with me. What I take from Schon's list, is commitment to
promoting reflection in practice as vital to a whole way of being and
living. It is this work that I hope is part of my life work!

Karan Powell
21351 Sweet Clover Place
Ashburn, VA 20147


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