Thanks for the supporting material. All to often change artists forget the
importance of the right measures. Measures is a very broad term which
includes , mangers opinions, agendas , required reports as well as formal
measures. it is still a neglected field.
At 10:29 PM 10/6/97 GMT, you wrote:
>This strongly reinforces my experience in helping organisations develop
>systems to measure strategic performance. One of the the main reasons
>that good strategies fail is that they are not properly measured. One of
>the main reasons they are not properly measured is that organisations are
>inclined to measure too late, after the fact, rather than while the
>strategy is being executed. Also, while outputs (results) are measured,
>inputs (processes) rarely are.
Eugene Taurman
"What you see depends upon what you thought before you looked."
--Eugene Taurman <>
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