Keeper of the Learning Process LO15336
Sun, 12 Oct 1997 18:47:22 +0800

I have been on this list for a few months now, and find it very
informative in my work as head of three staff units in our group of
companies, namely (a) corporate planning & business development, (b) human
resource department, and (c) management information systems. I am
convinced that the process of executive development, admittedly a much
neglected area in our organization, is a high leverage activity that will
lead our company towards becoming a truly high performance learning

As I read much of the material submitted in this learning organization
list, I can't help wondering which individual or group of individuals in
an organization is, or should be, responsible for the process of learning
and development (especially on the senior-most level of management). It
would seem that the contributors to this list are, like me, highly
committed to the subject and to the process of learning and development.
But I would like to know where they believe intervention can be most
effectively launched, and by whom.

Eddie Mendoza


"Eddie Mendoza" <>

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