Abuse & Personal Mastery LO15349

Debbie Broome (Debbieb@gwmail.plano.gov)
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 21:10:46 -0500

Replying to LO15284 --

Jim wrote,
> I lead a team of about 90 people... and inevitably, I find that many
> people with
> unresolved family of origin issues find authentic dialogue extremely

Isn't it a continuum? Doesn't everyone have issues with their family of
origin, some more abusive than others, some more resolved than others?
Don't we all bring this to work? To what extent to the organizations in
which we choose to work, relflect our family of origin...so that we can
continue to work on those issues?

Deborah T. Broome
Assistant City Manager, Plano, Texas
P.O. Box 860358
Plano, Texas  75086
Phone:  972-461-7122
Fax:  972-423-9587
e-mail:  Debbieb@gwmail.plano.gov

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